MM Angels
The Angel Network for the IE Community
Enhancing our strength as an entrepreneurial powerhouse
IE has some of the best entrepreneurship programmes with initiatives such as the Startup and Venture Labs and has the potential to produce more successes like Spotahome, Finoa & Busuu.

We believe the time is right to bring IE alumni together to form an angel investment community to contribute to IE's excellent reputation as a university driving innovation and entrepreneurship.

The goal of MM Angels is to establish a community of knowledgeable, founder-friendly angel investors, and provide them with the infrastructure to back the next global game changers.

MM Angels will provide its investment community with the opportunity to invest in exciting early stage investment opportunities, to learn about angel investing, and to be connected with an active network of allies to discuss and share our successes and lessons learned.

Why MM Angels?
  • High Quality Deal Flow
    Deals sourced via experienced VCs, founders and Angels in the community provide access to high-quality startups that would be difficult to access solo.
  • Standard Process
    A standard investment process allows deals to close faster, with lower fees and makes communication and performance tracking more efficient.
  • Diversification
    Syndication allows Angel investors to invest across a much wider range of startups, diversifying investment risk.
  • Community
    MM Angels will bring together an exciting community of IE investors and entrepreneurs to discuss & debate investment opportunities and provide additional support to start-ups that have received investment.
Join the Community
Become a member to access deals, learn about angel investing and become part of our growing community!
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